Was ist der Unterschied zwischen zeremoniellem Kakao und anderem Kakao? - Theto Nature

What is the difference between ceremonial cacao and other cacao?

In recent years, there has been a huge increase in interest in cacao as a ritual or ceremonial beverage. Ceremonial cacao is often seen as a special and sacred drink, while regular cacao is considered an everyday treat. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the difference between these two types of cacao.

What is cacao?

Cacao is a plant originally native to Central and South America. The fruit of the cacao tree is harvested and its seeds, also called cacao beans, are used to make cacao. Cacao contains several compounds that give it its characteristic flavor and health benefits, including theobromine, a stimulant alkaloid, flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties, and magnesium, a mineral important for many bodily functions.

Cacao in its pure form (raw cacao), as used by the Aztecs and Mayans, often tastes bitter and has a very intense effect on the body. To soften this effect and the taste, the cacao is usually roasted, processed and mixed with sugar or other ingredients to produce chocolate.

What is regular cacao?

Regular cacao is usually what we find in supermarkets or online stores. It is made from roasted cacao beans that are ground into a powder. Regular cacao is often used for baking or making chocolate and can also be prepared as drinking chocolate. The taste of regular cacao is often bitter and can be refined with sugar or other sweeteners.

What is ceremonial cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is a special type of cacao used in sacred ceremonies or rituals and an ancient medicine. It is often considered a sacred beverage and has a long history in the cultures of Central and South America. Ceremonial cacao is grown and processed differently than regular cacao and typically contains higher concentrations of theobromine and other psychoactive compounds. Ceremonial cacao is often consumed in ceremonies aimed at a specific intention, such as healing, clarity, or spiritual growth.

What are the differences between ceremonial cacao and regular cacao?

The biggest difference between ceremonial cacao and regular cacao is the way they are grown, processed and consumed. Here are some of the key differences:

1. Cultivation and processing

Ceremonial cacao is often grown and harvested in a traditional way, with farmers passing down techniques for centuries. The cacao beans are hand-picked and sun-dried rather than machine-processed. It is then fermented and hand-hulled and ground. This is done to preserve the natural aromas and flavors. No pesticides or other chemical substances are used at any step to speed up or facilitate the cultivation. The process of producing ceremonial cacao is therefore often very time-consuming and requires a lot of care and attention. In addition, the harvest is less productive than regular cacao.

In contrast, regular cacao is often grown on big farms and harvested by machine, resulting in higher production but often lower quality. The beans are often chemically treated to repel pests and protect the crop. They are then roasted and further processed to produce cacao in various forms such as powder or chocolate. During this processing, many natural flavors and nutrients can be lost.

In addition, respect for our mother earth plays a central role in the cultivation of ceremonial cacao. As already mentioned, no chemical substances are used. Ceremonial cacao is never grown in monocultures and although a cacao tree only bears fruit for around 40 years, it will remain on the farm for its entire lifespan (around 100 years). Unfortunately, this is not the case with normal cacao, as the priority here is to make the greatest possible profit.

2. Taste and aroma

First of all, it is important to understand that cacao in its pure form, as used by the Aztecs and Mayans, often tastes bitter. To soften this taste, the cacao is usually roasted, processed and mixed with sugar or other ingredients to produce chocolate. Ceremonial cacao should therefore not be confused with drinking chocolate and the taste is therefore initially unfamiliar to many people.

Ceremonial cacao often has a more intense flavor and aroma compared to regular cacao. This is because it is often less processed and contains higher concentrations of cacao butter and other compounds that give it its characteristic flavor. It can also be flavored with various spices such as cinnamon, cardamom or ginger to enhance its flavor.

3. Effect on body and mind

Ceremonial cacao is often considered a sacred drink and has a long history of use in ceremonies and rituals. Ceremonial cacao is believed to have a stronger effect on the body and mind than regular cacao.

Both types of cacao are often considered superfoods. They contain many important nutrients such as magnesium, iron and zinc, which are necessary for healthy body function. They also contain antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body and boost the immune system. However, ceremonial cacao often contains higher concentrations of theobromine and other psychoactive substances than regular cacao. Theobromine is a psychoactive compound that can increase mood and energy. It can also help lower blood pressure and regulate heart rate. Additionally, regular cacao often has sugar or other ingredients mixed in that reduce its health benefits.

Ceremonial cacao doesn't just have amazing physical effects. Some people also report that cacao helps them connect with their inner self and have spiritual experiences. Others value the energetic properties of cacao and use it to increase their creative energy or to release blockages in the body.

If you want to learn more about the positive effects of cacao on the body and mind, click here .

4. Consumption

Another important difference between ceremonial and regular cacao is the way it is prepared and consumed. Ceremonial cacao is usually prepared in a specific way that increases the cacao's energetic properties. It is often mixed with special ingredients such as spices and herbs and consumed in a ceremony. The ceremony may vary from culture to culture, but it is often a communal experience focused on a specific intention.

Regular cacao, on the other hand, is usually consumed in a more informal way. It can be eaten as part of a meal or as a snack, or prepared as a hot drink. It is often consumed in a relaxed and informal setting and usually has no particular ritual or ceremonial purpose.


In summary, there are distinct differences between ceremonial cacao and regular cacao. Ceremonial cacao is grown and harvested in a traditional manner, contains higher concentrations of psychoactive compounds, and is typically consumed in sacred ceremonies or rituals or for its impressive health benefits. Regular cacao, on the other hand, is often processed by machine, contains fewer psychoactive compounds, and can be consumed in many different ways.

When buying cacao, it is important to know the differences between the different types and choose the one that best suits your needs. If you choose ceremonial cacao, it is important to buy it from a trusted source. Unfortunately, regular cacao is often sold under the label of ceremonial cacao in order to increase the price and make more profit. This mainly harms our nature, the indigenous peoples who want to open up to the world and share their knowledge, and you, as you are deprived of the real experience of cacao.

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